Thursday, September 26, 2019

Assessment and decision analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Assessment and decision analysis - Assignment Example She also stated that the government toughened the penalties for the companies, which violate the rules of dangerous goods transportation. According to Rite, the government is implementing thorough control over the situation. However, such statements did not seem convincing. Thus, Canadian Senate committee insists on the reconsideration of the state’s policy concerning the transportation of dangerous goods. Meanwhile, the Transportation Safety Board of Canada is paying special attention to the possibility of implementing strict and corresponding control of the railway system of the country. Canadas Standing Senate Committee considers it is important to implement the thorough inspection of the country’s railway system, the main principles of its regulation standards, the norms and practices. The main goal of a new report called "Moving Energy Safely: A Study of the Safe Transport of Hydrocarbons by Pipelines, Tankers and Railcars† is to improve the safety of railway transportation in Canada. The report under consideration includes thirteen advices on safety transportation and the request to take into account all these advices. The report also contains a call to Transport Canada to provide railway companies with advantageous condition of insurance so that they may cover all the expenses connected with possible unhappy accident. It became clear that Canadian railway system is far from ideal and needs to be re-examined and modernized. One of the investigators, Kirby Jang states: "in Canada, we have a system called centralized traffic control, which provides visual signals, but there is no automated stopping or slowing of trains if the train crew were to exceed the limits of their authority†. He also insisted on the introduction of new safety system: â€Å"we believe that theres a risk of serious train collisions and derailments if

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